

2013年08月08日 15:59:57 No.668


投稿者 : Smourtgy

The secondary reason for our packed timetables is our voluntary commitments. These are all the things we choose to cram into our days in our insatiable need to fill our lives to bursting. Right now, in this and every moment, there are a million potential options, things we could feasibly spend our time on. (And much of this is all far more glamourous or interesting or financially beneficial than a bit of self-care or family-nurturing...) But even though this range of opportunities is too vast - far more than one person could accomplish in a lifetime - we seem to be driven by an urge to do, or get done, as much as possible.
"God creates us with different gifts. Each one of us comes into the world with a different collection of life circumstances that often severely challenge us, things that give us joy and in expressing our talents allow us to bless the people, the world around us."

• Drink clean water.
9. Know that it is coming. Whatever you desire, so it shall be granted. Just like Aladdin's lamp, whatever you ask for, you shall receive it. It may not arrive at the timetable you plan for, but it is coming. Your job is to be happy in the present moment, visualise and feel good, express gratitude, and anticipate with excitement the manifestation of your dreams.


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